Sunday, October 26, 2008

Where Is My Super Suit?

I have tried so hard to not comment on the election. It wasn't until McCain picked Sarah Palin that I finally settled in on someone to vote for. Who could not love the home grown woman, mother and Conservative? Only the jaded, I hate anything that stands for freedom and success crowd could fail to see that she is someone that we can trust. But enough about the fiction writer's that parade as journalists. I really want to talk about a Disney movie that puts the entire election into perspective; Pixar's The Incredibles.

For the few Americans that have not seen The Incredibles, it is about super heroes that are forced to go under ground because the very people that they saved sued them for damages. Instead of thanking them for saving their lives, they took them to court to extort money for any damages that occurred while their very existence was being dragged from the jaws of death. Talk about thanking someone by kicking in their teeth. Of course suing people because they have and you have not has become the American way. It also reeks of ability envy, (substitute class for ability). Those who have being forced to compensate those who haven't simply because they have the means. It doesn't matter that their existence is dependent on the super heroes ability. I deserve compensation for my affliction. Fortunately the super heroes refuse to give up on the very people that despise them.

We end up with the super heroes triumphing in the end. The villain has no super ability but is a mechanical genius that can create gadgets that mimic super hero ability. He creates a machine that wreaks havoc and only he can control it but like Frankenstein, it has ideas of its own. It gets out of control and the super heroes come to the rescue. In one of the scenes, a hero named Frozone who can freeze water, is trying to get into the action to defeat the machine. He is in his high rise apartment and sees the giant robot roll by. He looks in the closet for his costume and it is not there. He calls out to his wife, "Honey, where is my super suit?" She answers, "What?" He asks again, "Where's my super suit?" She replies, "Why do you need to know?" He says, "Where is my super suit woman?" She replies that they have had a dinner party planned for the last two months and he is not going anywhere. Just like a liberal president's wife, I mean a super heroes wife to let the world go to hell so she can impress her friends. Especially since it is now on the tax payers dime.

My middle daughter has made Frezone's question the phrase of the day. If we are forced to endure 4 years of descent into socialism with a firm drop into communism, I am sure that Osam, I mean Obama will one day ask Michelle, "Where is my super suit?" After all a savior would not be a true messiah without the proper wardrobe.

